Need for Speed Most Wanted copspeech.big: A Guide to Editing and Replacing the Cop Speech Audio Files
Lets not forget that NFS Most Wanted wasnt just a game for the Playstation 2, it was also a learning tool. Read a book, listen to a podcast, and see a movie. Its about leadership, politics, and advocating for change.
Need for Speed Most Wanted copspeech.big
10 years ago, I would have been afraid to give you a job interview. You were told over and over again, if you dont get an interview you wont get a job. But today I stand before you and tell you to find a job interview and the job is the interview. Most people take a job for granted. I didnt. I found a company that trusted me to be on the bench, learning while others were playing. A company that trusted me to be a winner, and a mentor to those that needed a boost. A company that trusted me to learn, and grow. To develop, to lead, to find a solution. And while I was on the bench, I was also on the street. And as I look out into the crowd, I see thousands upon thousands of players, young and old, who could be the next me.
Most of all, I want to thank all of the young people who have strived for this day. Its time to be the generation of the future, not the one that left a future. We need your passion, and we need your activism. We need you to continue this work, to continue to make this victory a reality. Because we are still a young planet. And as long as we are, we can have better days. But in the end, we must realise that the world is quite large, and while America can carry the global burden, we cant do it alone. And the events of this week will make the case for why. Because the truth is, thats what diplomacy is supposed to be about.